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TCAC Staff

The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) awarded Tennessee's Community Assistance Corporation (TCAC) with another new grant of $500,000 for Home Rehab.

Front Row (from left to right): Representative Jeremy Faison, Senator Steve Southerland, Katie Moore with THDA, Representative Diana Harshbarger, Cocke County Mayor Crystal Ottinger, Newport City Mayor Roland Dykes III

Back (from left to right): Retha Patton TCAC Executive Director and Shannon Delk TCAC Housing Program Manager

This grant will allow TCAC to rehabilitate or rebuild substandard homes for elderly and disabled residents of Cocke County. “Providing safe, decent housing is important for all Tennesseans, and with the help of these HOME funds, Cocke County will be able to ensure more of its residents have access to just that,” THDA Executive Director Ralph M. Perrey said.

Cocke County plans to use the funds located within non-municipal areas of the county. The project will benefit very-low and low-income individuals that do not have the financial resources to make needed improvements to their residences.

To qualify, applicants must own their home and have household incomes at or below 80 percent of the area median income when adjusted for family size. All completed work will meet local and state building codes requirements, and will be inspected by a qualified inspector.

All types of manufactured housing are not eligible and do not qualify for the HOME funding assistance at this time. Additionally, homes that cannot be brought up to code will not be considered for the project.



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